• Above: Alphabet logo then and now

ALPHABET is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and reports that eMobility is a rapidly growing trend for its portfolio.

The leasing provider and and broker funder has seen a 77% increase in its eMobility fleet, with around 46,000 electric vehicles – pure-electric and plug-in hybrid models –  now run by Alphabet GB.

With a portfolio of around 700,000 vehicles, and an increase in its order volume up to nearly 250,000 vehicles in total, the firm has seen an increase of more than 18% in the past year, despite the global semiconductor shortage in the automotive industry.

Sustainability is our guiding principle for the future. The business grew by around 77% in total compared to the previous year, reaching a peak in the field of xEVs.

This year, Alphabet aims to further increase the electrified vehicle share of new business up to 30% and we will continue our mission of driving awareness and demand for sustainable, greener fleet options since this is of particular importance for achieving climate targets.

Markus Deusing, CEO, Alphabet International

Alphabet has offered electric vehicles to fleets since 2013, positioning itself as an early adopter in the EV market. 

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