BROKERS could be missing out on additional revenue by not selling telematics packages to business customers.

A new report from funder Arval says that technicians and salespeople head the list of company drivers whose cars and vans are being fitted with telematics devices.

The Arval Mobility Observatory’s 2019 Barometer report found the league table was:

  • engineers (54%);
  • salespeople (30%);
  • perk car drivers (28%);
  • delivery drivers (28%);
  • ‘Others’ accounted for 43%.

Shaun Sadlier, Head of Arval Mobility Observatory in the UK, said:

“Falling costs, easier implementation and overall effectiveness have all seen a dramatic increase in telematics adoption in recent years.

“Looking at the types of driver for whom telematics is being used, it makes sense that engineers, salespeople and delivery drivers are all in the top five – these are job roles where employees spend a lot of time on the road on their own but where journey and vehicle efficiency are crucial. Telematics provides information that can be proactively used to increase effectiveness and also driver safety.”

The percentage of telematic use varied by size of company:

  • All – 30%
  • Fewer than 10 employees – 3%
  • 10-99 employees – 39%
  • 100-999 employees – 45%
  • More than 1000 employees – 47%

“It’s interesting to see that 28% of perk car drivers are using telematics and this does show how managers believe that the technology should be adopted widely across their fleets,” added Sadlier.

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