MUNICH’S famous Oktoberfest had a new beery twist: zero emission delivery of beer.

The Paulaner Brewery Group teamed up with Volta Trucks to deliver the brewer’s beer to Oktoberfest revellers in Munich, Germany.

Paulaner Brewery Group is operating the all-electric Volta Zero around the streets of Munich as part of the Volta Zero Driving Experience Programme.

The all-electric 16-tonne Volta Zero – with its eye-catching livery – will allow Paulaner to understand how the production-specification all-electric medium-duty truck can be used in its operations.

Usuf Schermo, head of Germany sales at Volta Trucks, said: “Seeing our trucks on the streets of Munich and delivering to a world-renowned event is fantastic. With the organisers of Oktoberfest looking to make strides towards a greener and more sustainable event, having deliveries into the city that produce zero-tailpipe emissions is a great step towards our business goals of decarbonising city centres.”

Festzelt Winzerer Faehndl © München Tourismus B Roemmelt
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