BUCKINGHAMSHIRE-based broker DreamLease is taking a stand against car thieves by offering customers the option of having Tracker fitted.
Tracker is a police-recognised stolen vehicle recovery solution which works like an electronic homing device. A transmitter is hidden on the vehicle and allows it to be tracked without being jammed.
Daniel Pass, managing director at DreamLease commented:
Reports of rising vehicle thefts have been ringing alarm bells for some time, but after a car was stolen from one of our customers recently, we knew it was time to make a stand against criminals and minimise the risk of future losses.
“Immobilisers and alarms are great deterrents, and in most cases do prevent thefts, but professional thieves have the skills to crack even the most sophisticated security systems. Decisive action was needed.”
Tracker says that its latest annual theft figures demonstrate how tech-smart car thieves have become; 92% of the vehicles the company helped police to recover last year had been stolen by crooks outsmarting key fob technology– a 26% increase on the previous year.
Pass added:
“When a company vehicle is stolen, there are a number of knock-on financial consequences. The car or van needs to be replaced, but so do any tools and equipment that were stored in the vehicle. Revenue earning jobs need to be rescheduled if they haven’t been cancelled altogether by the customer, and business reputation can be damaged which can have a long-term impact.
“By offering a stolen vehicle recovery solution from Tracker as an add-on to vehicles leased from us, we are providing fleet managers, company car drivers and private motorists increased peace of mind and protection against the severe impact a stolen vehicle can bring.”
Tracker data shows that the most popular targets for car thieves were premium vehicles such as Range Rover, BMW and Mercedes-Benz. Clive Wain, head of police liaison for Tracker added that vehicles were often stolen to order before being shipped to Eastern Europe or North Africa.
Automotive and fleet writer for Broker News