DRIVALIA is continuing its support for our series of Women in Broking.

The Women in Broking features – supported by the broker funder Drivalia – are immensely popular, and has now expanded to include events. The first of these – Women in Broking Live! – was held in London and we’re currently finalising details for the next at the end of November.

Originally focused on those women who were working in leasing brokers, it has now been expanded to include all women involved in the industry.

The most recent is Hollie Crumlish of Alphabet and has also included Drivalia’s own Justine Long.

“We’re delighted to continue our support for what has proven a huge hit for Broker News. And quite rightly so. As a funder we are fully behind greater inclusivity in the industry and this series helps encourage it, as well as highlighting the terrific work women are doing in our sector.”

Drivalia market performance

Broker News Awards and BCF Wessex

BCF Wessex supports the Best Commercial Vehicle Broker award

IT’S BEEN fastpaced in the commercial vehicle broker space with consolidation the order of the day. But which commercial vehicle broker – standalone or part of a newly acquired group – is the best? The Broker News Awards will showcase the best brokers in the van market, thanks to support from BCF Wessex. BCF Wessex, developers of Gensen software solutions for car

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