NORTH West-based Crossleys Accident Repair has kept going through the lockdown period thanks to a three month payment holiday on its vehicle rental payments.
The company, which is a customer of broker funder Lex Autolease, has five garages, and operates a fleet of over 100 vehicles, which serve as courtesy cars for customers.
When the UK went into lockdown in March, Crossleys faced an overnight reduction in workload as its main clients and insurance companies temporarily closed.
However, the cashflow assistance from the payment holiday allowed Crossleys to keep three of its five sites open for emergency servicing, to help keep key workers moving during the height of the pandemic.
The Crossleys team has also been offering free servicing and valeting to NHS staff, including collection and delivery of their vehicles, as a token of appreciation for their efforts in the fight against Covid-19.
Emma Atkinson, regional relationship manager, SME & Business Banking at Lex Autolease, said:
“As businesses began to realise the scale of the pandemic, it became clear there would be a significant impact on their day-to-day operations. We have been working with our customers and supporting them in many different ways, to help relieve some of the pressure.
“Lloyds Bank is committed to helping Britain prosper, and Lex Autolease has a critical role to play in this when it comes to keeping the country’s businesses moving. We’ve got a strong relationship with Crossleys, and it’s great to know that the help we’ve provided recently has made a real difference not just to them, but also to the key workers in the communities they operate in.”
Martin Cross, director at Crossleys Accident and Repair Garage said:
The payment holiday on our vehicle leases has meant we could stay open, maintaining a high standard of service for those who need it most, without worrying about our overheads.
“Between jobs, we’ve been proud to do our bit for local NHS workers, as our way of saying thank you for the selfless work they do.”
Lex Autolease says that since March, the business has granted payment holidays to more than 3000 customers, from small fleets to those with hundreds of vehicles, and is now helping fleet decision makers adapt and future-proof their policies ready for a post-lockdown world.

Ralph Morton is the leading journalist in the leasing broker sector and editor of Broker News, the website which provides information and news for BVRLA-registered leasing brokers. He also writes extensively on the fleet and leasing market in both the UK and Europe.