LEASING.COM is making it easier for consumers to make the switch from car buying to leasing.
The lease car rate aggregator has partnered with the car selling platform and used car comparison site Wizzle.
Wizzle provides car valuations and enables potential customers of leasing broker deals to sell their used vehicle via the Wizzle dealer network.
Leasing.com says that the average value of a car sold via Wizzle is £9,355 and the average age of a vehicle is just seven years old.
Paul Harrison, the head of strategic partnerships at Leasing.com, added:
“We want to make car leasing as easy as possible for consumers. Getting a fair valuation and part-exchange price for their current vehicle is a concern for many consumers and this new partnership puts them in the driving seat.”
“After receiving a valuation on their current vehicle, consumers enter their preferred selling price and offer their vehicle to Wizzle’s network of partners. Only if the consumer receives an offer they are satisfied with do they proceed to a sale. We believe the service will help get consumers into their new, leased car quicker and easier. Which is great news for our hundreds of advertising partners, many of whom also work with Wizzle.”
Ralph Morton is the leading journalist in the leasing broker sector and editor of Broker News, the website which provides information and news for BVRLA-registered leasing brokers. He also writes extensively on the fleet and leasing market in both the UK and Europe.