AFTER a career working at Dixon Motors looking after a 2,000 vehicle fleet and a year spent in short term leasing, the financial crash of 2007-08 persuaded Neil Robins that taking on a Neva Consultants’ franchise was a good idea.

Based in Hull, East Yorkshire, Neil says he was pleased when Fleet Alliance acquired Neva in 2017 because of the new tools that were introduced as an Appointed Representative of Fleet Alliance.


“The e-Fleet system is a great way to get the customer embedded and really go for some of those larger fleet opportunities.”

Neil admits that since the takeover there have been a number of universal setbacks to hit the leasing industry – WLTP, Covid and so on – “so last year was the first year I really feel I’m doing the business I should be writing,” he adds, saying that he’s finally seeing people coming back to market and reinvesting in fleet, having held onto vehicles for too long.

“Until now I’ve been helping customers with extensions or providing short term hire as a stop gap, but this year I’ve had some big fleet batch deals,” he says.

In addition Neil says he’s able to explore new markets with the Fleet Alliance Electric Car Salary Sacrifice scheme.

“I’m at a very early stage with salary sacrifice, but I’ve just got into two businesses and delivered the first salary sacrifice deal. It seems to me that there’s a lot of setup work, but if you get into a big company with a large employment base then once you’ve done one vehicle, more will follow. The portal and ease of choice makes it so simple for the customer.”

Three reasons to be a Fleet Alliance AR by Neil Robins

  1. The significance of working within the Fleet Alliance FCA means I can focus on sales; Fleet Alliance supports and guides the Appointed Representatives through all policy changes.
  2. Fleet Alliance gets competitive fleet discounts from OEMs, so it’s good to pass those onto business customers having been able to run them through nine different funders for the best rental.
  3. The marketing support is excellent – you’re working for a bigger brand so you get the benefit of advertising as Fleet Alliance, especially on LinkedIn – plus there are plenty of marketing materials and there’s excellent support from Laura Muir and Terry Parker.

Further information about joining Fleet Alliance as an AR

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