WELL, here’s a blast from the past! Welcome back Roger Wilson-Crane.

It’s true. Roger Wilson-Crane has returned to the leasing broker world as Account Relationship Manager for Ford terms holder RB Associates.

It marks a full circle for Roger, who was previously Managing Director of the Drivespeed Group which includes the RB Associates brand.

In a statement on LinkedIn, Roger said:

“I am delighted to confirm that I have come ‘home’ and returned to RB Associates as Account Relationships Manager.

“As a founding face of RB Associates I am looking forward to seeing many old friends and making many new ones!

“I will be hitting the road and touring the country, visiting our valued Partners and supporting you with all things Ford.”

Between Drivespeed and his return, Roger has become an award-winning novelist and screen writer, not to mention pub owner for a short period – “I’ve run a pub before when I was 30 – it’s hard work and I’d forgotten I’m no longer 30!” he joked.

More recently he did an eight month stint with Cox Automotive as National Vehicle Buyer but after a few conversations with RB Associates he was persuaded that a return to his spiritual home was the right thing to do.

“I’ll be out on the road meeting brokers and suppliers and understanding what’s going on in the market to bring more of a personal touch to RB Associates. The colleagues in the office said they can’t get out enough and that’s where I come in. If I get more volume for the business, well that will be a good thing, too.”

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