EXCELLENT customer service has been at the heart of Synergy Car Leasing’s broker offering. And having been awarded Gold Feefo status, it has now gone one better with the Platinum distinction.

New for 2020, the Feefo Platinum Trusted Service Award recognises companies that have achieved the Gold Trusted Service Award for three or more consecutive years. 

The Harrogate-based broker has achieved this distinction for an unprecedented six successive years.

Paul Parkinson, managing director of Synergy, said:

“In these challenging times it’s important for businesses to celebrate the positives.  We’re delighted to receive this award and continue to put our customers at the heart of everything we do.  Achieving the inaugural Feefo Platinum Trusted Service award is special and reflects our team’s commitment to ensuring every customer receives an excellent leasing experience.”

Parkinson added the he believed Synergy was the first in sector to receive the Platinum distinction.

Pictured in the photograph from l to r are: Tom Hardcastle, Lucie Almond, Paul Parkinson, Laura Lowe and Grace Piechocki.

Synergy Car Leasing was recently sold to investment company Newable

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