LEEDS City Council, in partnership with Highways England, is running an innovative scheme for West Yorkshire businesses and organisations to enjoy a completely free trial of electric vans. The trial can last for up to two months.
There are 20 Renault Kangoo ZE vans available under the EV Trials Scheme.
The scheme should open up opportunities for leasing brokers to engage with local businesses in the area about switching to electric vehicles.
Councillor James Lewis, deputy leader at Leeds City Council, said:
We know that switching to electric vehicles feels like it would be a leap in the dark for some, so we’re looking forward to sharing the benefits of these vans free of charge with businesses and charities across West Yorkshire as part of our EV Trials scheme.
The 20 Renault vans are part of a fleet of 120 all electric Kangoos taken on by Leeds City Council. The vans will play a major role in Leeds City Council’s drive to become a carbon-neutral authority.

Ralph Morton is the leading journalist in the leasing broker sector and editor of Broker News, the website which provides information and news for BVRLA-registered leasing brokers. He also writes extensively on the fleet and leasing market in both the UK and Europe.