The HMRC has withdrawn its advice that double cab taxation will see the vehicles classed as cars from July 2024

The HMRC has withdrawn its advice that double cab taxation will see the vehicles classed as cars from July 2024
New double cab tax rules announced for July 2024 will affect the broker sales of double cabs and supply of new luxury pickups
FOLLOWING the HMRC v Coca-Cola case over the definition of Combi or Double Cab vans for benefit-in-kind purposes, which the HMRC won, the BVRLA has released a guidance note to assist members. Written in conjunction with HMRC, the guidance reflects the current position on Combi van, but the BVRLA warns may be subject to change if there are appeals in ongoing cases…
THE BVRLA is advising members to consult an HMRC paper on the VAT treatment of early termination fees. Following a recent judgement in the Court of Justice of the European Union, VAT is now liable. “Most early termination and cancellation fees are therefore liable for VAT. This is the case even if they are described as compensation or damages,” says the HMRC.…
THEY might look like vans with some extra seats, but combi or double cab vans are cars. That’s the result of a court ruling which has found in favour of the HMRC confirming that such vans should be treated the same as cars for P11D purposes. There has been a long-standing dispute involving vehicles on the Coca-Cola fleet and how they should…