RAM Tracking has launched a leasing broker partnership programme.
The company, which provides vehicle tracking, dash cam and fleet management, says the partnership programme is referral-based and incentivises leasing brokers to recommend RAM to leasing companies and SMEs and in return generate additional sales by becoming an exclusive partner for RAM Tracking.
RAM Tracking says that brokers can chose between a simple referral model or an ongoing rebate model, both of which will offer substantial financial incentives.
We are delighted to offer our partnership programme to leasing brokers. RAM Partner Programme is an opportunity to generate growth and additional sales within a broker business by becoming an exclusive partner.
Adam O’Neill, head of commercial, RAM Tracking
He added that the partnership allowed leasing brokers to take advantage of the booming demand for fleet management, while generating additional through a full value-added solution for customers.

Automotive and fleet writer for Broker News