Tag: Carmmunity

Frontline’s Vanessa Hunt takes Transit on Tour

Vavoom group in Transit on Tour

Frontline Leasing brand Carmmunity is touring the UK with a Ford Transit Custom PHEV, showcasing the technology and vehicle to leasing brokers across the country – including the Vavoom team picture above. Now in the second week of a 14-day tour, Carmmunity’s Vanessa Hunt (left) is visiting the following leasing brokers, and adding more as she goes along: Advanced Vehicle Leasing Carparison…

Christmas jumper day – did your brokerage take part?

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LOOKING around the social media channels it quickly became clear that many leasing brokers were holding no prisoners as they took part in Christmas Jumper Day last Friday (10 December 2021). Brokers and broker suppliers all got suitably dressed up for the charity day organised by Save the Children. Among the companies I picked out were York-based Autohorn, Leasing Options from Manchester,…

Frontline Leasing restructures brand around Carmmunity IT portal

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THE Derbyshire based Ford terms holder, Frontline Leasing and Fleet Management Ltd, is realigning its brand. Initially Frontline Leasing and Fleet Management was set up to serve the ‘Frontline’, such as the police and ambulance services. The company relaunched around Carmmunity, its online portal, and provided Ford products into the contract hire market. However, it is now restructured to clearly define the…