Tag: Chris Swallow

Broker News Newsletter 21 September 2021

Novuna Vehicle Solutions

Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions: now backed by the fourth biggest bank in the world  JUST let that sink in for a minute. And then let me add some: the three banks ahead of it are Chinese. Want some more? BNP Paribas, owner of Arval, is in ninth; and Lloyds Banking Group, which owns the UK’s largest leasing company, Lex Autolease, is a…

Broker News Newsletter 08 September 2021

IAA Munich - the Chinese cars you'll be leasing in the future

Congratulations To Chris Swallow  BRILLIANT news from Chris Swallow – national sales manager for indirect sales at Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions – is the birth of Ruby Julie Swallow, 6lb 10z, to his partner Sal. Warm congratulations from all of us at Broker News. Leasing Broker Conference – register now Don’t forget to take advantage of the opportunity to network with expert speakers from…

Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions assesses how Covid-19 is changing the automotive industry

Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions COVID 19 impact on automotive industry

Hitachi Capital Vehicle Solutions (HCVS) has written a blog on the implications placed on the automotive industry by the current COVID-19 restrictions. Among the key implications of what we have seen so far, says HCVS, are the following: Environment: Delayed CAZ/ULEZ launches – will affect air quality but provides fleets more time to prepare. Greater use of video conferencing and changed work…