TOYOTA and its all-makes leasing company Kinto are planning to integrate more closely.
To facilitate stronger ties and cross fertilisation of products Toyota wants to offer a ‘One Toyota’ fleet ecosystem so it can offer customers a full range of services from leasing to mobility.
The one-stop shop for corporate customers sees Stuart Ferma (left) take up a new position as director, operational excellence, at Kinto after three-and-a-half years as fleet general manager of the Toyota and Lexus brands.
Moving in the other direction is Neil Broad (right) after two-and-a-half years on secondment to Kinto where he was responsible for the launch of Kinto One, a new generation of long-term, comprehensive vehicle leasing services for businesses and company car drivers.
Broad takes up a new role as general manager One Toyota fleet services.
Neil is tasked with expansion of the company’s fleet services to include finance, fleet management and mobility services, integrating the work of Toyota Financial Services, Toyota Insurance Services and Kinto.
Automotive and fleet writer for Broker News