THE creation of the UK’s largest leasing company has been green-lighted by both the Competition and Markets Authority in the UK and the European Commission.

The acquisition by ALD Automotive of LeasePlan will make the new leaseco number one in the FN50 by some distance with a fleet of 321,466, vastly ahead of current number one Lex Autolease with a fleet size of 274,107.

However, the merger is conditional on ALD Automotive divesting its interests in Ireland, Norway and Portugal, while LeasePlan has had to do the same in The Czech Republic, Finland and Luxembourg.

ALD Automotive and LeasePlan also have significant leasing broker operations here in the UK, but there’s no word yet on whether the merger will lead to a streamlined broker channel support operation or not.

ALD Automotive said it expected the transaction to be completed by the end of 2022.

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