DON’T miss the BVRLA Leasing Broker Conference taking place on 06 October 2022.

The London-based event has a packed agenda homing in on the key issues facing leasing brokers in an increasingly regulated industry.

The confirmed agenda includes:

Future regulatory landscape

Regulation exists to protect and enhance the customer experience. What does the future regulatory landscape look like? How can firms integrate compliance with Consumer Duty to increase their success? How should the BVRLA governance regime change to embrace Consumer Duty?

This session will include a presentation from Stephen Dawson, partner, head of financial services sector, Shoosmiths, with an overview to brokers on what should be top of their priorities.

The economy

This session includes a keynote presentation on the significant economic factors affecting the automotive industry.

Staff engagement and motivation

With brokers facing a challenging economic environment, retaining best staff will be essential. What tips and techniques can business leaders use to keep staff engaged? This session will include a keynote presentation from Nita Clarke, director of the Involvement and Participation Association.

The agency model: good or bad news for brokers?

As some OEMs take a more digital and direct to customer approach to vehicle distribution, this session explores the impacts for leasing brokers OEMs taking the agency model route.

Broker outlook panel – looking ahead to 2023

The conference’s concluding session will feature a panel that includes funder and leasing broker representatives to reflect on the challenges and opportunities ahead.

The Leasing Broker Conference is supported by Alphabet, Leasys, Ebbon Group, MotorLease, QV Systems and Trakm8. The official media partner is Broker News.

How to book for the conference

The one-day event will be on Thursday 06 October at the Royal Institute for British Architects (RIBA) in London.

It is free to attend for leasing brokers who can register for the event here: BVRLA Leasing Broker Conference.

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