Carmmunity will work with Alan Carreras of Olaris Consulting to open up new opportunities in the leasing broker market
THE Derbyshire based Ford terms holder, Frontline Leasing and Fleet Management Ltd, is realigning its brand. Initially Frontline Leasing and Fleet Management was set up to serve the ‘Frontline’, such as the police and ambulance services. The company relaunched around Carmmunity, its online portal, and provided Ford products into the contract hire market. However, it is now restructured to clearly define the…
FORD terms holder, Carmmunity, is providing leasing brokers with additional opportunities to earn commission, with a new partnership with stolen vehicle recovery company Tracker. Tracker is the only stolen vehicle recovery provider that works with the UK’s police forces to recover stolen vehicles. Its solutions work like an electronic homing device via a transmitter hidden in one of several dozen places on a vehicle. Carmmunity says brokers can use the…
CARMMUNITY is planning to expand its offering beyond Ford now that it has moved into larger premises (see Carmmunity opens new office). Starting end January, 2020, the Derby-based Ford terms holder has been offering terms on selected BMW models through its Carmmunity portal. The terms are via a dealer rather than direct from BMW. Sales & marketing director, Hamel Patel, said that…