FULLY CHARGED LIVE 2022 will hold a Fully Charged Business zone, supported by Marlow-based leasing broker DriveElectric, which will offer advice to fleets looking to switch to EVs.
The specialist electric vehicle leasing broker is backing Fully Charged Live’s business event, as part of the world’s number one clean energy and electric vehicle show.
Now in its fourth year, Fully Charged Live has become an established presence in the automotive calendar, particularly within the electric vehicle market. Having supported the show early on, DriveElectric continues to help expand and develop the concept.
Fully Charged Business will help companies that want to transition to an electric fleet and clean energy, with workshops, talks, and networking sessions available for visitors and exhibitors to attend.
Fully Charged Live is the biggest and best event for people who want to know more about EVs and clean energy, and this year our dedicated area for businesses will provide knowledgeable advice about how companies can make a successful transition to electric vehicles.
Visitors can attend workshops and hear from organisations that have already made the switch on their road to net zero, as well as having one-to-one discussions with a range of experts. Fully Charged Business will also feature an area where companies in the EV and clean energy sectors can network over a coffee.
Mike Potter, managing director, DriveElectric
Case studies will be available showcasing businesses that have already made the switch to EVs, as well as on-to-one discussions with experts.
Networking opportunities will be boosted with the ability to schedule meetings with other businesses thanks to a specially developed app.
To find out more about the business event, or to register interest, email the Fully Charged Show team.