Pictured above: HFD finance director Stuart Teape:

“A salary sacrifice scheme that promotes and delivers electric cars is very much in line with our carbon neutrality policy.”

FLEET Alliance has just implemented a salary sacrifice scheme for HFD, a Glasgow-based full-service property, data services and energy provider.

All 135 HFD employees qualify.

The Group has now swapped its senior manager company car scheme for salary sacrifice. A van fleet for operational staff stays in place

HFD finance director Stuart Teape said: “A salary sacrifice scheme that promotes and delivers electric cars is very much in line with our carbon neutrality policy, while we also see it as an additional benefit for our employees.

“Following internet research, we appointed Fleet Alliance as our salary sacrifice scheme provider and the scheme has been working very well so far with increasing uptake amongst our staff.”

Home charger included in salsac package

“One distinct advantage of the Fleet Alliance scheme was that it provides a home charger for all employees who opt for an electric car as part of the monthly cost,” Stuart continued.

“I think a barrier to introducing these kinds of benefits is usually the set-up time required and, in our case, it was minimal. Fleet Alliance engages directly with all our employees, so I don’t have to,” he said.

Andy Bruce of Fleet Alliance

Fleet Alliance CEO Andy Bruce (left) said the success of the HFD scheme was typical of that seen by the many businesses of all sizes that were signing up for Fleet Alliance salary sacrifice.

“Our scheme delivers monthly savings of hundreds of pounds for employees who select electric cars, taking advantage of tax rates for EVs of just 2% until the end of 2024/25.

“We build further on those savings by using a panel of up to nine funders to ensure both our clients and their employees always receive the lowest rental rate available in the market.

“Our scheme delivers an iron-clad benefit for all employees, it also provides an excellent opportunity to reduce the collective carbon footprint of a business by steering employees into zero emission vehicles.”

HFD, which has six operating divisions and is one of Scotland’s leading commercial property companies, has delivered over £1bn worth of office space in gross development value in the last 30 years with net zero carbon emissions.

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