Rivervale, the Brighton leasing broker, has undertaken a rebrand of its business with a focus on Making Motoring Manageable
MINISTERS have killed off the Plug-in Car Grant as the Government focusses its funding on the UK’s charging infrastructure.
Ford is considering moving to an agency model in the next two years according to sources at the automotive maker
RIVERVALE’S Vince Pemberton will hosting a webinar on how to transition your brokerage from a sales and funding business to a fleet management company with profit certainty. Taking place at noon on 14 July, and organised by ODO, the Brighton broker will share his thoughts on: The burning platform and why brokers must change now The key stages to a successful business…
BRIGHTON broker Rivervale Leasing is stepping up into fleet management big time with a 600 vehicle fleet management deal. Following a successful bid tender for a sales and marketing agency, the fleet goes live with Rivervale on 01 December 2020. It is the first significant fleet management contract win for Rivervale since it invested in ODO’s fleet management platform. The broker said…