SALARY sacrifice is the fastest growing funding method, according to the BVRLA.

Salary sacrifice funding recorded growth of 33% in 2022, the BVRLA reporting “burgeoning demand for salary sacrifice car schemes, with employers keen to offer this popular employee benefit to all staff, especially at a time when salaries are under pressure.”

And now is the opportunity to be part of the salary sacrifice growth curve with a product from SalSac that your brokerage can white label. 

What’s more, the platform is free.

No set up cost, no monthly payments, maintain control

SalSac is offering a no cost set up for your brokerage, with training included. Once you are set up, you can start offering salary sacrifice to your clients – immediately. The platform also supports an optional API to help brokers and comparison sites incorporate salary sacrifice pricing on their existing websites.

It will enable you to provide accurate salary sacrifice figures to your clients and also offers vehicle insurance and home EV charger options. 

SalSac is structured so that your brokerage maintains complete control over pricing and commissions. You can continue using your existing dealer and funder relationships, vehicle stock/pipelines and pricing. The portal then calculates the salary sacrifice based on your broker pricing.

Bolt on insurance and home EV chargers can be included. 

What’s more, access to the platform is entirely free, offering a new business development opportunity for your brokerage. 

So how does it work?

SalSac is an all-inclusive package  –  quote for vehicles via cap data, and include insurance via Lloyd Latchford plus the option of fully fitted home chargers.

Payments are clear – no weighted payments and both the employee and employer pay the same fixed payment over the entire term.

Training provided – SalSac offers training via an online broker training portal that will get you and your sales team quickly up to speed selling salary sacrifice to both employees and employers.

Provide support with employee seminars and webinars – SalSac will help your brokerage increase penetration and take up within your customer base. 

Ongoing development – the SalSac development team is continuously working on upgrades to facilitate improved customer experience and understanding of salary sacrifice.

To support the free to broker SalSac platform – SalSac takes the company National Insurance contribution savings and the reclaiming of VAT, which makes the scheme cost-neutral for the company.

Plus! – SalSac pays brokers 15% of the employer’s monthly fee for every car they’ve introduced that remains Salary Sacrificed.


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0330 174 6768.

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